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  • February 01, 2019 1 min read 0 Comments

    Oud (Oudh) oil which is distilled from the Agarwood tree has been the favoured scent of Sultans and royalty for centuries, and is considered rare and precious to this day. Stories tells us of the extreme habits of luxury of King Louis XIV of France, who had the practice of washing his clothes in Oud (Oudh) oil.

    Oud (Oudh) still remains a luxury item desired by royalty across the world, including but not limited to the orient, Arabia and indeed western royal society.

    We thought of taking a moment to tell you more about the names of Oud (Oudh) around the world:

    · Agar – Urdu (Pakistan)
    · Agar or Aguru – Bengali
    · A-ga-ru (ཨ་ག་རུ་) – Tibetan
    · Aguru – Telugu and Kannada
    · Akil (அகில்) – Tamil
    · Cham Heong – Cantonese
    · Chénxiāng (沉香) – Chinese
    · Gaharu – Indonesian and Malay
    · Ghara or Eaglewood – Papua New Guinea
    · Jinkō (沈香) – Japanese (In Japan, kyara (伽羅) is the highest grade of jinkō)
    · Lignum aquila (eagle-wood), Agilawood, Lignum aloes or Aloeswood – Europe
    · Mai Ketsana – Laos
    · Mai Kritsana (ไมก้ฤษณา) – Thai
    · Oud (- عود) Arabic
    · Sasi or Sashi – Assamese
    · Trầm hương – Vietnamese